In addition to peer-to-peer parliamentary strengthening operations and the promotion of inter-parliamentary cooperation, INTER PARES continuously develops knowledge on parliamentary development and provides online learning opportunities, hosted on the AGORA Portal for Parliamentary Development.
The INTER PARES e-learning package comprises six core courses on: legislative drafting; comparative law-making; oversight; representation; budgeting and committee work; as well as specialised courses on environmental protection and climate change, gender and youth.
The courses are widely available and do not require prior knowledge.
In addition to the courses, INTER PARES partner parliaments can benefit from tailored feedback opportunities and individual certificates of completion for participants.
You will see below details on the already available e-learning courses.
Stay tuned for upcoming courses in 2023!

Parliamentary oversight
Written by Dr Olivier Rozenberg.
This course explores why we practice parliamentary oversight, what parliamentary oversight is and is not, and how parliamentary oversight is carried out in modern parliaments.
Environmental protection and climate change
Written by former Member of Parliament Dr Kennedy Graham (New Zealand).
This course illustrates how parliaments and parliamentary staff around the globe are addressing environmental protection and climate change questions.

Legislative drafting
Written by Professor Helen Xanthaki and colleagues.
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to modern drafting practices. It places legislation within the context of regulation, defines law-making and legislative drafting, and explores what elements make a good piece of legislation.
Comparative law-making
Written by Professor Nicola Lupo.
This course places law-making in historical perspective, anchoring core law-making principles across different systems of government. The course explores emerging trends and captures how parliamentary practice in this field continues to evolve.

Written by Professor Cristina Leston-Bandeira, University of Leeds
The course explores the key societal changes that have affected representation in recent decade and the key role played by modern parliaments in representation among other critical issues on the concept of representation.
The Role of Parliament in Achieving Gender Equality
Written by Hannah Johnson and Maria Mousmouti
The course explores the key texts that outline gender sensitive parliamentary norms and helps identify key decision makers and influencers that will support gender sensitive change to help design and defend a contextually-appropriate gender sensitive parliamentary change.

The Role of Parliamentary Committees
The course helps understand why committees play an important role in parliamentary work and sheds light on the international practices and procedures of parliamentary committee systems.
The Role of Parliament in the Budgeting Process
The course provides an overview of the core actors, institutions and processes involved in the budget process and facilitates understanding of the role of parliament in each of the four budget stages and a number of case study examples.