Key principles for youth engagement released

INTER PARES released today a set of eight key principles designed to guide parliaments in fostering meaningful youth participation. These principles, distilled from extensive discussions, offer a roadmap for integrating young people into the legislative process, and encouraging them to influence decision-making on issues that shape their futures. The insights emphasize the importance of mentorship, tailored civic education, and the use of digital platforms to engage young voices.

The release follows a two-day workshop held on 9 and 10 July 2024, in collaboration with the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan. The event brought together youth representatives from Uzbekistan with parliamentary experts and staff from Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, and Slovakia to exchange strategies for boosting youth involvement in politics. Participants discussed how social media and digital tools can create new avenues for youth engagement, while also addressing the challenges posed by diverse backgrounds and socio-economic barriers​.

A key theme from the discussions was the need to shift perceptions of youth from passive recipients to active contributors to society. The new principles reflect this shift, urging parliaments to view young people as "agents of change." Embracing this narrative, the eight principles stress the value of mentorship programs that connect youth with senior decision-makers and advocate for frameworks that ensure youth voices are included in all stages of the political process.

INTER PARES is also publishing a more comprehensive meeting 'key takeaways' document that details strategies for institutionalizing youth participation, including an Uzbek perspective on this work. Both new resources aim to provide parliaments worldwide with practical steps and frameworks to embed youth engagement as a core aspect of democratic representation.