
INTER PARES Partnership with the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Peer-to-peer partnership


Priority 1 Financial Oversight
Priority 2 E-Parliament
Priority 3 Gender Equality
Priority 4 Youth

EU Member States Parliaments

EU Member States Parliaments

Priority 1

Financial Oversight: Activities 

  • Open/ participatory budgeting in view of strengthening the participation and engagement of citizens in the budget process, including at municipal level.
  •  Annual budget setting and relationship with other strategic documents.
  • Green budgeting.
  • Carrying out budgetary analysis – tools and data analysis; monitoring budget indicators.
  • Formation and implementation of the budget.
  • Role of independent fiscal institutions: parliamentary budget offices and fiscal councils.
  • Formation and implementation of the budget with the engagement of budget committees.

Priority 2 

E-Parliament: Activities

  • Implementation of digital tools and mechanisms in parliaments.
  •  Integrated law-making systems/e-legislative process in parliaments.
  • Citizen complaints and petitions.

Priority 3

Gender Equality: Activities

  • Legislative and policy frameworks for gender equality, as well as methods and tools for gender mainstreaming.
  • Gender budgeting and gender disaggregated data on key governance related topics.
  •  Gender-sensitive law-making and legislative oversight with consideration of specific policy issues.
  • Gender violence, prevention and harassment laws.


Priority 4 

Youth: Activities

  • Functioning of effective youth parliament models.
  • Methods and tools for youth engagement in parliamentary work, including civic education programs.