Centre for Innovation in Parliament
The Centre for Innovation in Parliament (CIP) is a partnership between the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and parliaments around the world. It harnesses the potential for innovation across parliaments by bringing them together, supporting collaboration on solutions and sharing knowledge with the wider parliamentary community.
Given the great impact technology has today on the functioning of parliaments, INTER PARES supports parliamentary innovation in its partnerships and promotes research on parliamentary innovation, including digital technologies and e-Parliaments.
INTER PARES contributes through EU funding to the IPU's Centre for Innovation in Parliaments, promoting research on parliamentary innovation in the following areas: a) the development of the 2020 World e-Parliament Report, intended to help parliaments harness the power of new technology to become better and stronger institutions; b) the Innovation Tracker, the blog sharing innovative practices in Parliaments; c) Good practice guides that compile and analyse examples of how Parliaments are addressing specific issues.
Website https://www.ipu.org/our-impact/strong-parliaments/setting-standards/cen…

Social media guide for parliaments and parliamentarians
The CIP published in 2021 this guide to help plan, execute and measure social media campaigns, and to maximize the potential for wider and deeper engagement.
It is in 2 parts:
- Part 1 - the “playbook” - a set of informal ideas that follow a typical social media campaign and help develop social media skills and encourage thinking about how to conduct a successful campaign.
- Part 2 - a series of 5 case studies (Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK) showing how parliaments have used social media to engage with their public.
For more information and to download the report, visit the IPU website.
The publication was produced by the Centre for Innovation in Parliament (CIP) of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), with the financial support of the European Union, in partnership with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), as part of INTER PARES | Parliaments in Partnership, the EU’s Global Project to Strengthen the Capacity of Parliaments.